Zhangyu Jin

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I am a first-year PhD student (2024 Fall-) in Computer Science at the University of Southern California, supervised by Prof. Mohammad Soleymani and Dr. Wei-Wen(Andrew) Feng.

I received my Master’s degree from University of Southern California. During my Master’s, I took Research Internships at Motorola Solutions and at TuSimple. Previously, I was a Research Engineer at YITU Technology for one year. Prior to that, I got my Bachelor degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

My research interests mainly lie in Video Perception and Generative Models.

selected publications

  1. face_anoy.png
    Lossless Face Anonymization on Downstream Tasks
    Zhangyu JinSiddharth Agrawal, and Yanyan Hu
    Nov 2023
  2. memoryflow.png
    MemoryFlow: Efficient Video Object Detection
    Zhangyu JinHaiping Wu, and Sha Long
    Aug 2022
  3. panop_seg.png
    Real-time Panoptic Segmentation for Autonomous Driving
    Zhangyu Jin, Yikai Hua, and Wenbin Lu
    Jul 2021